Now this is the type of businesses that you get when prostitution is made legal, and we need more of them here.
One insane Singapore businessman came up with a terrific idea. Since men like coffee and men love blow jobs why not combine the two in a one stop shop? It’s going to be called Café Fellatio and will be open by the end of the year. The idea is surprisingly simple, men sit at the bar and order a coffee. With the coffee they are handed a tablet that serves as the prostitute menu, after you make your choice you get to enjoy a little head under the bar while sipping on your cappuccino.
To get the full service you will have to pay 150 Singapore Dollars, which is a little pricey but seems like something you would treat yourself to every once in a while.
Put simply, the business model would see men ordering a coffee and using an iPad to select a prostitute they want to perform oral sex on them. They would then sit at the bar. “In five or ten minutes, it’s all over”. At $150, with a possible $5 surplus for a latte macchiato the ‘coffee’ would be the most expensive. It would, however — in theory at least – be perfectly within the bounds of the law. Prostitution is legal in Singapore although it is strictly controlled, with sex trade workers required to have valid permits as part of a bid to fight people trafficking. In cases where two or more prostitutes operate out of the same premises, the establishment has to be registered as a massage parlour. Not everyone is happy with the idea though.
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